Sunday, October 16, 2011

Mr. Mike's Fundraiser Blog

Dearest Families,

Welcome back to another wonderful school year here at Blank Elementary. I am excited to be back and hope your student is excited as well. Our classroom is in need of some help from our parents in order to help raise money necessary to purchase technological tools to help enhance our students education. We are not asking for parents to give money but rather participate in our fundraising efforts. We are asking for your help, donations, and even ideas to help raise money for our technology upgrades. 

After speaking with many of the parents I have found that technology in schools leads to the thought of video games and time wasters. On the contrary, when looking at technology we must remember the training we are transferring to our students through technological means for their futures. One theorist stated, "Instead of asking, "Should we have computers?" we need to focus on a more productive question: "How are technologies best used in education to help students achieve and prepare for the world outside of school?""(Roblyer& Doering, 2010, p.31). This statement not only proves students need to learn with new and fascinating tools, but also will become literate in basic computer uses to be ready to make the proficient jump into the workforce. 

I would like to raise enough money to purchase two devices that will enhance your students education. 

  • Smartboard: A smartboard is an electronic whiteboard that when connected to a computer can allow students to draw, write, and view many different class assignments together. It lends to the opportunity for me to use video and visual displays for the students. All of the capabilities enhance the students overall education on millions of subjects. 
  • Digital Video Camera: A camera will allow me the ability to record lessons and post them to the class website. Students who are absent or need an extra refresher can utilize them to catch up with the class. Parents will be able to utilize the postings too in order to assist with homework or to help students study for exams. Also, I plan to record special days, field trips, and class activities to provide each student with a video yearbook. 
We can always come up with ideas for future purchases, although this is where I feel we should start. I want to open the dialog with you the parents. I will provide updates of our current events and projects so that parents can help get involved with the fundraising efforts. Please take a moment to comment, email, or even post questions about our processes. This is a forum for all of us to use to get all of our questions, feelings, and comments out  to all. Updates will follow
Thank You,
Mr. Mike

Roblyer, M.D., Doering, A.H. (2010) Integrating Educational Technology into Teaching. Pearson Education Inc. 

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